Posts by digitherium
Phaser Platformer Series: 25 Lighting and Enhancements
Adding lighting and some nice visual touches.
Phaser Platformer Series: 24 Tilemap Objects
Using object layers in Tiled to place our baddies, player and game objects.
Phaser Platformer Series: 23 Tilemaps
Using Tiled to create a level as a tilemap. We'll also refactor our code to make it neater.
Phaser Platformer Series: 22 Title and End Screens
Improving our title and end screens by adding some particle effects and custom fonts
Phaser Platformer Series: 21 Scenes
Scenes - adding a basic title screen and end screen to our game.
Phaser Platformer Series: 20 Collapsing Platforms
Collapsing platforms - platforms that collapse when you jump on them and an introduction to Scenes
Phaser Platformer Series: 19 One-way Platforms
Adding one-way platforms.
Phaser Platformer Series: 18 Question Mark Box
Adding a question mark box, that needs to be hit from underneath to release the mushroom powerup.
Phaser Platformer Series: 17 Mushrooms
Mushroom powerups. Supersizing our hero.
Phaser Platformer Series: 16 Camera Follow
Making the camera follow our player and expanding the level.
Phaser Platformer Series: 15 Invincibility
The first powerup - it makes the hero go all flashy, invulnerable, and super fast, but only for a limited amount of time.
Phaser Platformer Series: 14 Spikes / Lava
In this tutorial, we’ll look at adding some more obstacles to our game. A classic is spikes or lava – a surface that hurts you if you stand on it.
Phaser Platformer Series: 13 Hearts / Lives
In this tutorial we'll look at lives. Instead of dying as soon as we hit a baddie, our hero will have 3 chances.
Phaser Platformer Series: 12 Shells
In this tutorial, we'll be adding projectiles in the form of Mario's favourite, shells.
Phaser Platformer Series: 11 Improved Ladders
Improving our ladders on mobile and fixing the broken coyote time.